“GREEN” Asset Manager

Our objective is to be a responsible corporate citizen, to minimise our environmental impact and to maximise beneficial outcomes for all our stakeholders. Our strategy is supported by the Partners & senior staff of our business who are responsible for ensuring that the principles of sustainable ESG are incorporated not only into our investment analysis and investment decision making processes but also into the day-to-day management & governance of our business.

Our ESG strategy seeks to ensure that environment, social and governance issues are fundamental in our practices from fund management, to asset management and property level. ESG audits at the outset of investment cycles enable us to incorporate ESG initiatives as a cornerstone of all decision making and business planning and tin doing so we aim to create symbiosis between financial motivations and ESG enhancement.


as a member of PLGBC (Polish Green Building Council) under broader Group initiatives we pay special attention to green building solutions. Most of assets acquired or under acquisition in Logistic sector have been granted BREEAM certification and those without will be going through BREAM in use certification.